Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Sharda University Convocation Ceremony 2015

Convocation is the rite of passage from boyhood to manhood, from a student to a responsible citizen of a world. Till now you have been protected, your sins pardoned but from tomorrow onwards you are on your own.
You have been trained sufficiently to face challenges of life manfully You are in the elite fraternity of graduates with less than three percent of the population .Your actions words, deeds, will reflect not only on your self but also on your alma mater.
Convocation Ceremony 1
There are certain moments in life which are etched on memory for ever. Getting your degree is one such moment you will frame the photograph. One evening in the twilight of your life surrounding by your grand children you will tell them story of young handsome face clutching a degree in black robes will tell them dreams of youth, of its idealism , of its desire to make a better world. Our friendships that were cemented by shared memories.
On 27th of February Sharda University had its first convocation, presided by honorable home minister of India Mr. Raj Nath Singh and Honorable Minister of State for Human Resource Development Prof. (Dr.) R.S. Katheria.
Students in their academic gowns and caps along with their proud parents were seated in the assembly.
It was a glittering affair where in which began at 11 o Clock wit h the procession composed of deans VC Chancellor and Pro Chancellor all of them donning the robes signify their positions.

Convocation Ceremony 5
Deans looked resplendent in there scarlet academic gown, VC looked dignified, Pro Chancellor looked solemn and the guest of Honor imperious . After that the program started with the kulgeet of Sharda University sung by choir of students.
The chancellor medal was awarded to Ms Pooja Gupta of 2012-13.All toppers of various schools were awarded the requisite medals.
Respective deans presented various graduates of their schools for admission to chancellor were in chancellor accepted them in the fraterninity wishing them worthy of the same. “In word deed action and conversation”. School of SADMS said Sir, “I present to you 12 students and 27 graduate students. I pray that they be admitted.” Similarly School of SAHS presented 26 graduate students. School of Business Studies Dean presented 442 post graduate students and 341 undergraduate students. SET the count was 369 for post graduate and 2338 for undergraduate. The Dean of SOL presented 4 post graduate students to Chancellor of University.
Over all 3559 number of students was awarded their degrees.
Convocation Ceremony 2
Program ended with commencement speech by Raj Nath Singh Ji, where   he highlighted the glorious tradition of education in India. He also stated the fact that education is not only shikhsa but also diksha meaning imbibing of values. He asked students to be proud of Indian heritage making stress on that education without samskaras has no meaning.
It was also an occasion for the students to meet their professors as equals, and to thank them for the education impetrated.
Finally this emotional and solemn moment came to an end as all good things do, with a communal lunch. Finally students passed from Sharda University and we wish them good luck to face the real challenges of world.


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